‘Roid Rage

We spent most of the day Sunday at the pediatric urgent care. Sam had been fighting a fever and cough and it seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I was on the fence whether or not to take him to the doc that day, but when we were on our way to my grandma’s house for lunch, he was coughing so hard he was gagging.

So off we went to the urgent care. (but not before dropping Kate off at Grandma’s – urgent care with one kid is bad enough.)

When we arrived there was a posted 2-hour wait to see the doctor, so it freaked me out when the nurse took one look at Sam’s chest and said she needed to take us right back to the exam room. His oxygen levels were low, but apparently not alarmingly so (I think she said 94 but I have no idea what that means), and we were taken off the fast-track.

He was so pitiful, laying in my arms pale and feverish. They gave him ibuprofen and a breathing treatment, and he got a lot better.

Anyway, after two breathing treatments, a chest x-ray and some steroids, we were sent home – he had a double ear infection and a bad chest cold, but fortunately it hadn’t turned into pneumonia yet.

Now he’s working on a course of antibiotics and an inhaler – and the steroid prednisone.

I cringed when I heard prednisone – Andy was on it briefly a few years ago for poison ivy and he had a terrible reaction to it. One of the side effects is that it can raise blood sugar, which means it is a GREAT medication to give a type 1 diabetic. {insert sarcasm punctuation mark}

Another side effect is that it makes kids CRAZY.

The nurse told me he might be “a little hyped up,” but that was an understatement. Last night he was running in circles and couldn’t seem to stop. He was on me like white on rice, but even though he insisted on constantly sitting on my lap, he also insisted on constantly hitting/kicking me and yelling “Bad Mommy!”

It was awesome. But not unusual, according to my very scientific facebook poll. I put something about him being a nutjob on my status, and a number of parents commented saying that insanity was to be expected (and actually a doctor and a pharmacist commented so it was scientific!). A few also said something about insomnia but I refused to even consider that possibility (and fortunately he slept great. knock on wood.)

Oh and did I mention the urgent care doc said not to send Sam to school until at least Thursday? Yeah. Lovely. Yesterday my dad stayed with him, I’m here with him today and tomorrow is Andy’s tour of duty.

So I am going to be here all day with this amped up version of my son. Any advice for living through it? I’m sure he’ll be fine, it’s me I’m worried about now!

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7 Replies to “‘Roid Rage”

  1. Balloons – they can throw them, kick them, bat them around and go spastic with them but they (usually) don’t break anything except the balloon! Once I blew up about 10 of them and let the boys go nuts!

  2. Oh man!!! Empathizing with you!! Carter WAS CRAZY on that stuff. He was like a rabid wolf in the hospital – wide eyes and antsy! Fortunately he didn’t have to be on it when we were released just the inhaler! Good luck this week.

  3. So, glad I can add to advice: as a crohns survivor I have to live on prednisone sometimes and it is quite horrible. It helps to keep him busy with activities, he will be quick to anger and probly having a temper, if he ever does have trouble sleeping:melatonin works wonders and is completely safe for kids too. I really feel your pain. My husband has a hard time putting up with me when I’m on high doses..cause I get so mad at him for the dumbests things 🙂 as he tapers off it will get much easier as his body adjusts to it. Do good! Don’t give up!

  4. Andrea and I have been in this situation more than once with “T”. He has had to be admitted for low oxygen levels. Very scary! Yeah and the statement “a little hyped up” is an understatement. Maybe I should get me some of that stuff.

  5. Yikes! One of my girls has to be on prednisone from time to time and it makes her crazy too! I always cringe when her dr. pulls out her pad and starts writing a script for that stuff!!!

    Hope you made it through the day ok and that he’s starting to feel better! Good luck!

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