Daily Affirmations with Joshua

Yesterday my wise sage of a son, who is almost four years old, said to me after laying a ginormous deuce in the potty (as he gave me an affirming pat on the shoulder), “That was a big poop! But you’re not a pee-pee or a poop. You’re just my Mama.”

Thanks, kid! I am glad we cleared that up. I’ll keep that in mind next time my self-esteem takes a dive.

Happy Blog Hopping to my fellow Weekend Blog Hoppers!


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3 Replies to “Daily Affirmations with Joshua”

  1. ROTFL! Sounds like something my son would say to me. He comes up with the craziest things right now (he’s 2.5 yrs old) and busts out laughing at himself and how funny it sounds. He cracks himself up!

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