Breaking News!!!

After months of teething, Sophia Diane, the Toothless Wonder, is now the ONE-Tooth Wonder! Yeseterday at the ripe old age of 14 months and 10 days she cut her first tooth! It’s her top-right, front tooth. She is going to look like a real Hillbilly Baby when it comes all the way in. I think I am just going to dress her in a diaper and a Larry the Cable Guy t-shirt from now on and buy her a Homer Simpson doll so she can maintain her Hill-Jack image. Here is a highlight of the “dodging-mommy’s-efforts-to-photograph-my-tooth” photo shoot:


And an extreme close-up:


And what she is going to wear until I get her Larry the Cable Guy t-shirt:


She insisted on the socks and bow! What a diva! Don’t fight your inner hillbilly Sophie! It’s in your genes (thanks to my & Emily’s ancestors!)

Congratulations my crazy girl on your first tooth! My breasts will now commence quaking in fear since thou shalt ne’er be weaned. But the rest of me is very glad to know that you won’t have to have baby dentures.

Love, Mommy

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11 Replies to “Breaking News!!!”

  1. My KT was 13 1/2 months old when she got her first tooth. Also a top tooth, which I think is very odd since most babies get those two bottom teeth first! I called her “snaggle-tooth.”

  2. 14 months and she just got her first tooth, eh?? Wow. That’s crazy.

    She’s just going along at her own pace isn’t she. That reminds me of my younger daughter…she takes her time also.

    Your daughter is so beautiful, btw!!

  3. I have been sleepless at night anticipating when this was going to happen. at least she has SOCKS on and isn’t running around bare foot like a briar!

    great nostril shot! Lucy likes looking up her nose. I swear she’s going to go into the medical profession someday. at least Sophie doesn’t have a cold.


  4. Okay, now I feel bad for not censoring my kid’s photos lol. Yay for toothies! Baby L has started grinding her 4 teeth (all front) while she eats. Which…makes me cringe. She thinks its funny to literally see mommy wince I guess. It sounds like she’s chipping her teeth off. ARGH!

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  6. hey i can not believe that lil princess babe of your has her first tooth. Well she has a ton of catching up to do with nathan he has all four front teeth and has in the passed two week cut the top right and left side ones, and is working on the bottom rihgt one so he has almost 8 teeth. its so sad hes growing up so fast. but hey i loved your tooth images and the whole censer picture going on the you have going for her its cute. love you so much.

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