Amended note to self.

Make that two Tylenol PM.

One for me, and one for Kate.

Kate has been a little coughy/sniffly the last couple days… not really sick, but not quite up to par, either. This has been impacting her sleep, though, which we all know means it has been impacting my sleep as well! We were up again a good portion of the night last night, and I never could get into a good sleep after that, despite my attempts at drugging myself.

I am so tired.

Last night I didn’t get anything done, let alone the vacuuming and window washing that I had planned. Kate didn’t even get a bath, and (someone nominate me for Mother of the Year here) she kept insisting that she wasn’t hungry for dinner until about 8:00 when she finally relented. I was too tired to argue, so she had cooked carrots and ice cream. How’s that for a balanced diet? I threw in a Dora vitamin and hoped for the best.

So now, here I sit at work, where I have a million and one things to do, too tired to do much of anything (except blog). And did I mention that I have a meeting with the Big Boss today to discuss the position that has finally come open after years of waiting? Um, yeah. I’m nearly too tired to care. Hey, at least I’m not super stressed about it, right? A happy medium would probably be appropriate. Good thing you all gave me permission yesteday to have some coffee… that is going to be 100% necessary today.

And, by the way, I hear you all snickering…. “she thinks she’s tired now! Just wait until that baby is born.” Believe me, I am having the same thoughts. Now I remember why I used to stop and nap at the BP on my way to work after Kate was born. Desperate times….

But don’t worry. I’ve put in my order this time – this baby’s going to be a sleeper. We’ve already had lots of in-utero talks about the subject.

That will work, right??

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6 Replies to “Amended note to self.”

  1. L’Oreal has this Spray-On Tangle Tamer for Kids to use when you’re way too tired to give your kid a proper bath the night before, or that proper bath was at 10:30 when they were really too crusty to do otherwise. It works on crazy mom hair, too. I’m glad I’m not the only one who blogs at work! If I blogged at home it would look like this: a;lfjkj;aljf 11111 ;;;;;;

  2. I think Walgreens has a sale on Monster energy drinks. You’re gonna need them because Ikea opens in less than 24 hours!!!…Oh, and you’ll need the energy to do your job, house work, take care of kiddo and hubby…yeah, that stuff too!

  3. Carrots = Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, and Fiber
    Ice Cream = Calcium, Vitamin D, and Protein

    Sick Kid + Third Trimester Working Mom = Doing your best (which is all anyone can ask of you, ever).

    Em, you have no slobbery, muddy pawed dogs — as I do — why do your windows need washing (mine are a study in Canine Art)??

    Good luck with the Big Boss (hope you get what you want, either way).

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