Note to self…

Half a Tylenol PM no longer does the job. Up dosage to a whole pill.

How is it possible to be bone-weary tired, yet not able to sleep?? I woke up around 3:30 this morning and could not go back to sleep. It must have been in the air… most of that time, Andy was tossing and turning, too, and Kate woke up a couple times as well. We were a mess! The alarm was set for 6:00, and at 5:22 I decided that if I was awake at 5:45, I was just going to get up and get in the shower. Of course, I eventually fell asleep, just to be woken up by the alarm. It was AWESOME.

And I think the nesting portion of my pregnancy has officially begun… the whole time I was laying awake, I was itching to vacuum the basement and clean the windows. That is just not right.

I am so tired. Enough caffiene to function is acceptable, right? If not, I’m not sure how I’m going to make it through this day.

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6 Replies to “Note to self…”

  1. I’m sure you OK’d Tylenol PM with your doc, right?
    Think about this….Tylenol PM is made up of “Tylenol” and “Benadryl.”
    If you are having pain, definitely take the Tylenol PM, but if you only want it to sleep and pain is not an issue, consider taking straight Benadryl.
    No point in taking Tylenol if you don’t NEED it.

  2. Some caffeine is just fine. I had my daily dose while I was pregnant and my little Megan turned out just fine!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck! You’re in the home stretch now!

  3. I had those same problems when pregnant with L. I’d just wake up and feel awake…but around the time I was SUPPOSED to wake up, be tired and want to sleep again!

  4. I ignored my midwife’s warnings against caffeine after my MIL told me she just HAD to drink a pot of coffee everyday during her 5 pregnancies. A whole pot!? She said she couldn’t function otherwise.
    My husband and his siblings are fine, well at least physically. The mental part is under advisement. So I figured a little coffee and Diet Coke won’t hurt my babies. So far so good.

  5. My doctor said not to even bother her with noting my caffeine consumption during pregnancy unless I was going over 5 doses a day. Of course explaining this did nothing to deflect the dagger stares I got from coworkers who looked pointedly back and forth from my pregnant belly to my coffee cup like I was knocking back Cosmopolitans!
    More bad pregnancy advice: I took Benadryl to help me sleep.

  6. Don’t sweat the java; if I hadn’t had my usual 2-3 cups a day at the end with Sir Screamsalot, I never would have been able to take care of the other two.

    It’s more contraindicated in the early weeks — when miscarriages normally occur. That’s why most of us can’t even tolerate the smell during those weeks when the dog nose sets in.

    I had lotsa java with all my kids and they’re all fine. Except for that oddball sixth toe…


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