Six Degrees of Jenny Rapson

So the other day I was looking at Facebook, like I do eleventybillion times a day, when a comment on my cousin Shelby’s status caught my eye (Shelby, or, “the Shelb” as I like to call her, is my much younger cousin, the daughter of the illustrious UP of Redneck Latte, and is a cute little RN living in the great state of Georgia who wants to meet a nice boy from OHIO who wants to live near his mother so she can settle down near ME.  But anyways.)  Here’s what I saw on Shelby’s status:

It wasn’t the status itself that caught my eye, but her commenter. Now I’ve used my advanced Photoshop skills to blur out the commenter’s last name, so we’ll call her Amy Snickerdoodle.  Seeing her picture and her name, I thought to myself, “I wonder if she is the sister of Maria Snickerdoodle that I knew in college.  She has a sister named Amy.  I remember she came to visit Maria once when she was maybe 15 or so. That picture looks like it could be her.  I think they were from Virginia though, so it would be weird if it was her since she is apparently now in Georgia.” My old college pal Maria  was a couple of years younger than me, but I met her because her brother was married to my suitemate Angie’s sister, so Angie took her under her wing when she came to our college.  Anypoops – Maria is one of my Facebook friends.  So I clicked over to Maria’s profile to see if Amy was her sister. And YEP, sure enough – same Snickerdoodle!

So, I messaged my cuz the Shelb, and I’m all “How do you know Amy Snickerdoodle? Cause I know her sister from college and her brother is married to one of my good friends.”  And the Shelb wrote back and she was all, “She’s my ROOMMATE.”

Crazy, right!?  Then I have to message my friend Angie and tell her that her brother-in-law’s sister is my cousin’s roommate.  And Angie and I were like, suitemates in college.  I mean we shared a BATHROOM!  And they share an APARTMENT! It’s like history is repeating itself!  Or something.

So, it’s a small, small world.  Made smaller by teeny Christian colleges and social media.

Have you had any wild six-degrees-of-separation Facebook moments?

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4 Replies to “Six Degrees of Jenny Rapson”

  1. on facebook: a guy that works with my husband (in NC) is friends with a kid who was in my high school youth group in Alaska. Apparently my friend from high school moved with his family to New Orleans. The church they attended had a young youth pastor who turns out to be the same guy who now works in NC with my husband! Small world!

  2. so cool. I love when those things happen. A lady who was my youth leader went to college with another lady I met online through social networking. Both are amazing people, and I found they knew each other through facebook comments.

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