The Fuss about Facebook

So if you’re one of the eleventy billion people on Facebook, you’ve probably heard (read?) some grumbling about the changes in the last few weeks. I personally find the ticker thing annoying (this picture that I stole from Jill pretty much sums it up):

But other than that I don’t have any strong opinions on the changes in the feed.

I do, however, have strong feelings about the new changes to the profile pages – now known as the timeline. It is pretty much the coolest thing I have ever seen. Here’s a video from Facebook that explains it much better than I could.

Here’s a part of my timeline from 2009:

Hallelujah, my kids finally have a baby book! They’ll just have to visit my facebook page to find it.

I can also look back at a previous year and see my status updates, places I went, groups I joined, the messages friends left on my wall – there’s even a specific section that shows messages left on my birthday! It is really, really neat.

Everyone’s profile will switch to the timeline view on October 31, but if you want to do it now, you can find instructions on Mashable. Also, only people who have set up the timeline can see another person’s timeline, so if you haven’t switched, everyone’s profile will look the same as always.

Have any of you switched over to the timeline profile? If so, what do you think of it? And if not, what are you waiting for??

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3 Replies to “The Fuss about Facebook”

  1. Wow, I think I’m going to like the timeline! I looked at the set-up steps, and it seems too much of a hassle, so I’ll just wait for the public release. But I have always wondered why it was so darn hard to find old posts. Once I was scanning someones profile to find something from a year ago, and it took FOREVER…I could only just keep hitting ‘older posts’. Looking forward to the new timeline; this is the first I have heard about it.

  2. That sounds pretty cool actually! No lie, a few months ago, I spent some time paging back and back and back on my profile so that I could reread the comments left on my wall when my daughter was born last November. I kinda hope this new way allows me to go back and do the same for when my son was born in 2008. I’ve also been sort of obsessed with the “your status on this day…” glimpse into the past, and am totally bummed when there isn’t one. Like, I’m mad at the me from 2009 for not having anything to say on Sept 27. Thanks for this preview! I had heard there were more and bigger changes coming, but I didn’t know what.

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