To the lady on the bike

Yesterday an unhappy scene unfolded on the sidewalk in front of my house.  I was very, very, SLOWLY backing my car out of the driveway.  I was driving Bobby’s car which has a big ol’ back end, and so I was being extra-cautious. I live on a really busy street so here’s how you back out.

1) Very very slowly inch your way to the edge of the driveway so you can see on to the sidewalk

2) Very very slowly inch out a bit more so you can see on to the street

3) Wait forever until traffic is clear so you can go

I’ve lived here nine years and never had an incident. Why?  Because I am very, very CAREFUL.

Ok, so yesterday as I was in the *middle* of step 1, with my back tires barely even out to the sidewalk, I hear a scream. So I slam on the brakes, and see a lady whiz behind me on a bike. ON THE SIDEWALK.

I roll down my window.

Me: Are you ok?

Lady on Bike: YOU ALMOST HIT ME!

Me: Uh, I’m sorry, I was backing out very slowly. I can’t see until I get to a certain point.

Lady on Bike: YOU GOTTA LOOK! It would have been YOUR FAULT.

I could see I wasn’t going to get anywhere, so I rolled up my window, put the car back in reverse, and continued backing out of the driveway.  And there was NO TRAFFIC so I got out of the driveway right away. Which means she could have been and should have been riding on the road LIKE THE LAW SAYS.

Here’s how the conversation SHOULD have gone:

Me: Are you ok?

Lady on Bike: YOU ALMOST HIT ME!

Me: I think you mean that YOU almost hit ME.  But whatever,  I was backing out very slowly. I can’t see until I get to a certain point.

Lady on Bike: YOU GOTTA LOOK! It would have been YOUR FAULT.

Me: Really? Well, maybe if you were a pedestrian, but last time I checked it’s illegal to ride your bike on a sidewalk, so…and also, as I mentioned, I can’t SEE until I back out further than I already was. So I couldn’t SEE you. But you could SEE ME.  And also?  If you’re going to be STUPID and ride your bike REALLY FAST down a SIDEWALK, maybe you should wear a helmet. JUST AN IDEA.

And also, I’ve lived here 9 years and never even had ONE near-miss with a pedestrian or illegal bike rider. How many have you had?


Anyhoo, bike rider lady thoroughly irritated me and I couldn’t shake her yelling at me all day.  I know she was scared, but really, if you’re going to be stupid, prepare for a few bumps and bruises along the way.

And don’t YELL AT ME!

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13 Replies to “To the lady on the bike”

  1. I have backed out of your driveway, and you have to follow all of the steps precisely. Boo on her for yelling at you, riding on the sidewalk and not wearing a helmet. Sounds like she was asking for someone to put the hurt on her. Seriously people! Use some common sense for goodness sake!

  2. We dogs walk in subdivision areas in the early morning and many people go to work at those hours. It is AMAZING how many people do GARAGE DOOR UP; ENGAGE; PUNCH IT! without ever looking at anyone walking on the sidewalk. It has long been our policy to stop and wait for the idiots to back out and pull away to continue walking. It’s not the way the law should work, but it sure keeps the puppies alive!

    I sure wish more people would back out slowly like you. But even that doesn’t help in the presence of idiots. I drive a large event van from time to time and I understand huge blind spots most people don’t. It is amazing how many people think sound waves from their horns (or screams from their vocal chords) will be strong enough to move a moving four-ton vehicle out of their way.

  3. You are a much better person than I would have been! I would have chucked more than a couple choice “dirty words” in her direction.

    It infuriates me to see folks riding their bikes ON THE SIDEWALK. I think it makes me madder when I see adults do it. They should know the law. I have even experienced being at an intersection with the green light (also known as “THE RIGHT OF WAY”) and had a bike rider RUN THE RED LIGHT in front of me. I am not proud of myself, but there have been times I half wished I could hit them. Not hard, and since I drive a Mini Cooper it probably wouldn’t hurt them too bad, but still…

  4. We don’t live on a busy street traffic wise but there are children EVERY WHERE. It makes me a neurotic, nervous wreck because I am terrified one will come darting behind my car.

    Lady should have been on the street. Love it when people in the wrong get all indignant.

  5. I never understand this! Even if this had been your fault, I don’t think you were trying to hit her! (Unless your a sociopath, which in this family…) Why can’t people just show a little courtesy to each other? She was probably just embarrassed and covering for her own dumbassitude! But then, I live in NC where honking your horn period is considered very impolite.

  6. Too funny, our posts are very similar today. Mine’s about the “bird” and bad drivers. As to bicyclists, the sidewalks a no no in Georgia too.

    Being wrong and pretending to be right is an art form, a mental illness, and just plain tacky.

    She’s obviously fallen once or twice without the helmet!


  7. I almost hit a cyclist one day- because they were riding THE WRONG WAY DOWN A ONE WAY STREET- on the sidewalk too I think. And, of course, he yelled at me. As if it’s my fault I didn’t look for traffic coming the wrong way down the street. *eyeroll*

  8. You stayed WAY calmer then I would have…of course I would have gotten out of my car and said a couple of words…but I’m just hateful that way and I am a red-head so my temper flairs a little! LOL! But glad all is ok with you and the stupid lady without the helmet is somewhat ok! 🙂

  9. I think, best case, she would have heard something like…”Be glad I didn’t take you out of the gene pool for being stupid. Stupid people only take up space and waste oxygen for the rest of us, SO…you’re welcome!!”

    Wow, no dirty words!! That’s an accomplishment for a former truck driver!! 🙂


  10. OMG. Some mean old man yelled at me at Kroger on Saturday! Like SCREAMED. After I apologized for bumping his leg with a car shopping cart (those huge ones that are impossible to maneuver). He just kept screaming and yelling obscenities at me–in FRONT OF MY KID. I finally, like you, realized I wasn’t going to get anywhere, and high-tailed it to the parking lot. Some nice people were like “Sir! It’s hard to move those carts. She apologized.” as I ran to from the store. But he was still being a GIANT JERK and screaming after me.

    I wasn’t sure what he wanted… I apologized. I was sincere. Did he want me to pay him money for grazing his leg? The worst part was it was in front of my kid. Owen said he “really didn’t like that mean old guy.”


    1. Tela! That story made me about cry! I am so sorry that happened to you. What a FREAK!! Poor O that he had to witness that. 🙁

  11. Aw, thanks Jenny. It *did* make me cry. I was a blubbering mess a few minutes later drying home. I’ve never had anyone talk to me like that. Ever.

    Sorry you had a similar run-in with an entitled person!

  12. I would have been very irritated. Sad to say but eventually someone will hit her b/c she is just not using her head and being safe.

    I defin would have yelled back asking where her helmet was and advised she is setting a bad example for children in the neighborhood. Oh…and STOP RIDING ON THE SIDEWALK! 🙂

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