Rewind 10/09/03: In which I Bid my Boobs “Adieu”

To: Emily
From: Jenny
Date: 10/09/2003
Subj: Pregnant Boobs


Have you noticed any boob changes yet? Not to get too personal, but mine are TOTALLY freaking me out. They used to be pointy and now they are saggy. And my nipples used to be in the middle and now they are pointing south. AND I am getting stretch marks on them. AAAHHH!!! Goodbye, boobs of my youth!!

(The beauty of hindsight: when I wrote this email to Emily, I was about halfway through my pregnancy with my first baby. If I had known at that moment how sad my boobs would be after nursing said baby, I wouldn’t have complained about the pregnant version. They seem much more attractive from this side of the fence…oh well…small price to pay for a miracle….)

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10 Replies to “Rewind 10/09/03: In which I Bid my Boobs “Adieu””

  1. Ah, at the age of 39 there are so many body parts that aren’t as they used to be. I’ve finally come to accept that they are only going to get worse. (sigh)

  2. Love the new look of the blog!

    Yeah, after 3 kids (and being either pregnant or nursing for the past 5 years!), I can totally relate. Even though I weigh the same as I did pre-babies, everything has migrated south and clothes fit differently. I’ll never have the body I used to, but I’ve learned to accept it as a part of motherhood.

  3. At least they both point south. One of mine points south, the other kind of off to the side. I wish they would get their act together.

  4. Oh yeah…My boobs used be cute and stand up by themselves..Now they hang and are smaller than ever before!! while I was bfing..i was an E cup now I can barley fit into a C…but its just a beautiful part of being a mommy!

  5. LOL! Still nursing my 13 month old and laughing about this. When they are “full” they have a great shape, but as the day wears on and they are empty, that is EXACTLY how they look; empty (and sort of pancake-y). Hugs!

  6. LOL… thank you ladies… I needed a laugh! My boobies weren’t very perky before my 5 month old was born (I started out a DD) and now … yeah… it’s very sad.

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