Hey Mom! I was Saving that for Later!

Yesterday roundabout 8 a.m. when I changed my daughter’s overnight diaper, I got a little surprise, and it wasn’t of the poopy variety. She had been playing outside just before bed and was up late so I just put her to bed in what she had on, which was a one-piece romper thingie that snapped at the crotch. When I unfastened the snaps, out rolled a big ol’ ROCK! This rock, in fact:


It’s kind of hard to tell from the photo, but it’s about an inch long and maybe 1/2 an inch wide. And probably real comfortable to have up in your hoo-hah when you’re trying to sleep all night!

A few hours later, I laid her down to change her diaper after lunch and this time when I unfastened her snaps, six or seven CHEERIOS (which she had eaten for breakfast) fell out! Sheesh! Did I give birth to a human or a squirrel? Is it time to store up for winter, Soph? Are you worried I’m gonna stop feeding you? (Note: this is not likely since I’ve been breastfeeding you for TWENTY FREAKIN’ MONTHS!!)

Ah, my crazy daughter. She’s like Napoleon Dynamite puttin’ tater tots in his pants pocket. (Hey Sophie, give me your tots!) I guess ya never know when a Cheerios craving is going to hit! Better safe than sorry. That’s the Sophie way!

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12 Replies to “Hey Mom! I was Saving that for Later!”

  1. I always get food surprises in my son’s diaper. But, I haven’t found a rock yet. Poor baby sleeping with a rock in her diaper, must have been a little uncomfortable.

  2. That is a downside about kid outfits – no pockets! How else are you supposed to store things for later?

    And, just wait until the day she does discover pockets and their use… and end up washing gravel!

  3. Rotfl! I seem to have the same issue with Cheerios… I even wrote about it! The Tale of the Missing Cheerio

    Kids have the funniest tendencies to “store” food. I always find Cheerios in diapers, on diapers, on pants, inside socks…the places are endless on children!

    Thank you for the laugh 🙂

  4. Goodness! It’s like she’s packing away for winter. If you are ever stranded without a snack, she will be prepared. Better sign her up for Girl Scouts!

  5. lol What a riot!!! I have been reading your blog for awhile… I just noticed you have a Samuel and Sophia … I do as well!! 🙂

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