Solve this medical mystery for me

Sunday night, I was in bed trying to go to sleep, when I started to feel dizzy and nauseous. I tried to sleep and hoped it would pass, but no such luck… I ended up praying to the porcelain gods, if you will. Then I was fine.

But here’s the weird part… the same thing happened to me in St. Louis exactly a month before, on July 3rd.

That night I blamed it on the jalapenos (it was a day before that big announcement, so I figured it was a touch of food poisoning), but Sunday night I didn’t eat anything weird at all, and Andy ate the same things I did. Perhaps it was the Flintstone vitamin, I don’t know. It just seems like a really strange coincidence that the same thing happened two months in a row. Could it be hormonal? I guess, although I am still happily period-free from nursing.

I guess I will put this post in the “over sharing” category, but I am perplexed! Any theories??? And who thinks I had better watch out for September 3? Yikes!

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13 Replies to “Solve this medical mystery for me”

  1. Is it possible that you have an ear infection? That does some really bad things to your balance (dizzy) and makes you throw up on occasion. I had a coworker once who swore she had a brain tumor (she had a tendency for dramatics), but it turned out to be an inner ear infection.

  2. I say this with all do respect, instead of consulting unqualified individuals who just happen to read your blog — although some may be medical professionals — you should go see your doctor. Vomiting and nasuea are symptoms of various conditions. Though it may not be serious, the fact that it is happening randomly should be a red-enough flag for you. That’s my two-cents anyway. Hope you start feeling better and/or the symptoms stop.

  3. Whatever Tony! You know the INTERNETZ (or is it INTERWEBZ?)has the magic answer to ALL queries!! please don’t doubt the great blogosphere.

  4. Why go to medical school for eight years? Why continue your medical training throughout the course of your professional career? The internet is your one-stop shop for all gained knowledge. A fastidious depository of factual information, untainted by human error. You too can be a doctor with WebMD! And why bother spending all that money on prescription drugs? Got cancer? Drink four glasses of wheat grass juice and call me in the morning.

  5. Don’t shoot me for suggesting this. I’m assuming you’ve ruled out the possibility of pregnancy?

  6. Em,
    It could be a wierd super-virus that keeps a daily planner! Seriously, your Grandma Burns has bouts now and then with vertigo, which I think is an inner ear thing that causes dizziness and nausea. There is medication for it. But it could just be a 24 hour bug.

  7. That happens to me occasionally too – its just a weird quirkyness that my body pulls sometimes. Last time it happened, I had had KFC…
    It used to be alot worse – I’d wake up long before God was even up, with crazy racing thoughts and that alone would make me nauseous and puke. And after that I was fine.
    I have no clue what causes it. I’m not about to ask a dr. about it because most are unconcerned when they’re isolated incidents like that. I’ve never had a dr. tell me something I didn’t already know anyway.
    If you really want an answer, ask a chiropractor or a naturopathic Dr.

  8. I have something called mittleschmirz that I have stomach pain and vomiting with every month on almost the exact same day. It happens only when I ovulate.

  9. I’d totally trust the interwebz with all of lifes mysteries and big decisions. In fact I trust the interwebz so much, I threw out my magic 8 ball!

  10. I would think that it’s either a coincidence, or related to your cycle (which could be returning, even if you haven’t had any bleeding yet). Your cycle is likely to start to return if your nursing less than every five hrs or so… I would doubt pregnancy since you haven’t mentioned any other symptoms, and the nausea/dizzyness only lasted briefly. And contrary to others opinions, I wouldn’t bother with the doctor unless it happens again – three times makes a pattern after all. Also, it seems short-lived, right?

  11. My opinion yes it is hormonal.
    And I’m surprised no one has mentioned this but nursing is not 100% birth control. I mean, do you think those people who have kids 15, 16, or 17 months apart are really trying to do that on purpose? So, have you taken a pregnancy test? But, then again, if it were pregnancy you’d probably be sick more than just one day. Umm, I’m going with hormones. Yeah.

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