Indulge me a moment…

Take a look at what Kate delivered to me in our living room last night:
kate is cute

For those of you not fluent in kindergarten-ese, allow me to translate.

“#1 parents in the world ever. I love them so much and I will not ever stop.”

It made me teary!

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17 Replies to “Indulge me a moment…”

  1. Too wonderful! I love when our son does stuff like this! Keep this so that when she grows up and “hates” you, you can pull this one out and remember that she really doesn’t. =)

  2. Awww, love it! My daughter is in kindergarten also-they say and do the cutest things 🙂 Wish I could keep em’ small forever!

  3. I don’t understand why you needed to interpret it. I read it just fine. Oh wait, there’s a kindergartener at my house too… I am quite fluent in the language.

  4. I just have to say that I “heart” kindergarten writing 🙂 …and I love her little pics throughout the message. I thought she was writing a rebus story at first!

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